Monday, October 18, 2010

Radiation Simulation- Oct. 15

So, I went in on Friday afternoon for radiation simulation.  They had a hard time positioning me to where the doctor was happy.  Once I was in position, they did a CAT scan and gave me my tatoos.  They are not nearly as bad as I envisioned.  I have two dots on my right breast, one under each arm and one on each side of my waist.  They injected the ink with a needle and it just felt like a shot.  They finished off by taking lots of pictures of the proper positioning.  I tried to imagine that I had the body of a Playboy model and they were taking my topless photos for the cover, but somehow, laying on that hard medical table with a lovely hospital gown on, I just couldn't imagine. 
The not so good news is the doctor said that radiation is going to pull my skin up tighter towards my scar and make my breast smaller and hard. She thinks I will have lots of scar tissue and wants me to go to physical therapy. She also stated that because my scar is unique ( it has a deep fold in it that could easily hold a pencil or two and is about 4 inches long), I will most likely have a severe reaction to the radiation- meaning burnt badly.  Yucky!!!  At first I was upset, but then I remembered that I chose a lumpectomy with radiation instead of a mascetomy in order to keep my breast!  So again, I am okay with my dented, scarred, deep folded, soon to be hard and burnt breast.  Actually, I am happy with it!!! 
I should start radiation next Monday!   I will keep you all posted.
I also have my script filled for my tamoxifen, but still haven't started taking it yet.  I promise I will- just thought I would wait until I start radiation.  I figure if I am going to feel bad, it might as well be all at the same time.

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