Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 14th- I have a ????

Back to the surgeon today for a check up on my second surgery.  I still had some swelling, hardness and discomfort, but thought it was normal. Well, when she looked at me, she said that I now have developed a seroma- a fluid build up.  She said that I could leave it for my body to absorb over time or get it drained to ease discomfort, but it would come back.  I said "Drain it, I've been wearing two bras".  So, she takes me in another room, numbs my breast and drains about 90cc of fluid out. She proceeds to tell me that my breast will now have a huge dent in it until it fills back up.  The hope is that the fluid will take longer to come back and less fluid each time. I can have it drained each time or tough it out.  Well, I instantly felt better and was so happy she drained it.  I couldn't wait to get home for my long, daily walk.  My walks have been my sense of peace and comfort. 
So, it looks as if this is going to be an inconvenience, but it's okay.  I have my breast.  I still love my saggy, droopy, hematoma, seroma, scarred, dented in breast!!!!

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