Monday, December 6, 2010


I have been out of touch for awhile, but most of you know that I have been doing very well.  I have 6 more radiation treatments left.  Today was my last treatment of the whole breast area.  The last six will be concentrated to where the tumor was.  My breast is burnt, but it doesn't really bother me.  I really haven't had any problems.  I have had a few days where I have been a little more tired than normal, but we all have those days. I think the fact that I usually have massive amounts of energy has helped.  As far as the tamoxifen, I haven't noticed too many side effects either. I sometimes get nauseous, but no big deal.  I have a few hot flashes every day, but they are very mild and don't bother me.  I haven't gained weight ( actually lost 2 pounds). I'm not crabby. No night sweats.  No trouble sleeping.  It's all good.  The worst part has been leaving work to drive each day to my appointment and hurrying to get back before my students retrun from lunch and specials. It helps I like to talk on the phone, so people keep me company on my drive!
Bottom line:  I am doing better than I thought I would.  I am happier than I thought I would be.  I am near the end and that makes me really, really happy!!!

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